Tamás Rózsa of Top Tier Consultants explained that the COVID crisis in the automotive industry was deeper than 10 years ago, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. In his presentation he also discussed that the automotive industry's response to CO2 reduction was the "CASE" vision in 2016, but that this is changing - electrification is the biggest disruptive factor. To achieve the electric car penetration expected by European regulation - 53% of sales by 2030 - a large mass of "mainstream" buyers are needed: usability and cost of ownership considerations come to the fore. In addition, the presentation discussed that it depends on the brand and pricing whether the BEV electric car or the PHEV type is the route to electrification for a brand in Hungary.
See the full video of Tamás Rózsa's presentation here:(This first video is in Hungarian language while the following two videos on this page are in English)
The conference then continued in English. Paul Eichenberg, partner of Top Tier Consultants, spoke about how vehicle electrification will bring structural changes. At the end of his presentation, he pointed out that the transition of electric car sales into the online space and the significant reduction of service parts will be a major challenge for the dealerships to prepare for.
See the full video of Paul Eichenberg's presentation here:
Dean Rim, partner of Top Tier Consultants, gave the closing presentation at the conference. The presentation focused on electric car charging infrastructure and related systems, using Tesla as an example.
See the full video of Dean Rim's presentation here: